Akonadi Foundation Awards $1.3 million to Organizations and Leaders Advancing Racial Justice in Oakland
December 5, 2016
Akonadi Foundation supports and nurtures racial justice movement building to eliminate structural racism that lies at the heart of inequity and to make real our vision of a racially just society.
Now more than ever, we must redouble our efforts to ensure that all people, including youth and young adults of color, can exercise self-determination to live in safe and healthy communities and have access to the opportunities they need thrive. We must also support organizing in solidarity across issues in order to achieve racial justice.
Today, the Foundation is excited to announce that, as part of its Arc Toward Justice Fund, our Board of Directors has approved $1.3 million in general support and project grants to 16 racial justice organizations focused on grassroots organizing in Oakland. The Arc Toward Justice Fund focuses on long-term efforts to foster equity for youth and young adults of color, and engages communities of color as leaders and agents of social change to build collective power to shape the policies and systems that impact our lives. Together, these grantees are transforming the culture and climate of the City of Oakland to ensure that young people of color are treated with compassion, dignity, and respect.
Since 2000, Akonadi Foundation has given over 1300 grants totaling $30 million to nonprofit organizations, primarily in the Bay Area, but also across the country.
Find the complete list of ATJ grantees and additional information here.