Presidents Fund Application Facebook0Tweet0Pin0LinkedIn0Email0 President’s Fund President’s Fund Save my progress and resume later | Resume a previously saved form Resume Later In order to be able to resume this form later, please enter your email and choose a password. Your Email: A Password: Confirm Password: Akonadi Foundation Mission The Akonadi Foundation’s mission is to support the development of powerful social change movements to eliminate structural racism and create a racially just society. The Akonadi Foundation believes we need a social movement to overcome structural racism. Building a social movement means moving a large base of people to action united by shared strategy, principles and goals. President’s Fund Goal The goal of the President’s Fund is to encourage innovation in racial justice movement building through cross learning, alliance building, and strategic initiatives. The President’s fund will provide small one-time grants to timely efforts as they emerge on a local, regional and national level. Details Organization Name: Address Street Address City State Please select…ALAKASAZARCACOCTDEDCFMFLGAGUHIIDILINIAKSKYLAMEMHMDMAMIMNMSMOMTNENVNHNJNMNYNCNDMPOHOKORPWPAPRRISCSDTNTXUTVTVIVAWAWVWIWY Zip Phone: ( ) – Fax: ( ) – Grant Contact Personal Title Please select…Mr.Ms.Mrs.Dr.Rev. First Last Title: Email: Phone #: ( ) – First Name of Executive Director: Last Name of Executive Director: Executive Director Email: General Grant-Related Information: Amount Requested: $ Annual Organizational Budget: $ Is the organization a Fiscally Sponsored Project?: YesNo Organization Acting as Fiscal Sponsor?: Fiscal Sponsor Contact First Name: Fiscal Sponsor Contact Last Name: Fiscal Sponsor Contact Email: Fiscal Sponsor Relationship letter or MOU Project Title: Description of Proposed Activity Please answer the following questions. 1. What is the proposed activity (what, when, where)? 2. What is the purpose and desired outcomes of the proposed activity? 3. What organizations will undertake/participate in the proposed activity? 4. How is the activity grounded in leadership of communities of color and long-term racial justice movement building? 5. What is the particular racial justice moment or opportunity that your effort is seeking to build on? Please provide an itemized project budget outlining how the funds will be used. Please limit your budget to one page. Project Budget Information Amount Requested: $ Budget: If applicable Save my progress and resume later | Resume a previously saved form Need assistance with this form?