Akonadi Foundation awarded over $1.3 million in grants to 12 organizations to advance racial justice movement building in Oakland through the Foundation’s Arc Toward Justice Fund. Launched in 2013, the Arc Toward Justice Fund has focused on long-term efforts to advance racial equity in Oakland and create a climate of compassion, respect, and dignity for young people in the city. This cohort of Arc Toward Justice grantees are driving policy and systems change to remove barriers to opportunity for communities of color in Oakland, in areas such as juvenile justice, the school-to-prison pipeline, and barriers to employment for formerly incarcerated people, and build responses to harm that nurture wellness and well-being.
With a proven record of building power and local leadership in Oakland’s most marginalized communities of color and participating in coalitions and alliances, Arc Toward Justice fund grant partners are challenging structural racism through strategic policy and systems change and direct action.
The 2018 Arc Toward Justice Fund grantees are:
Asian Pacific Environmental Network
AYPAL: Building API Community Power
Bay Area Black Worker Center
Bay Area Parent Leadership Action Network
BAY-Peace: Better Alternatives for Youth
Black Organizing Project
Californians for Justice Education Fund
Communities United for Restorative Youth Justice (CURYJ)
Genders & Sexualities Alliance Network
Legal Services for Prisoners with Children
Public Advocates
Urban Peace Movement