Photo Credit: Spectrum Local News / Andy Young
Akonadi Foundation extends our deepest condolences to the families and communities in Buffalo, New York, Uvalde, Texas, Laguna Woods and Oakland, California who have been devastated by horrific gun violence over the last few weeks and over the past year.
These senseless shootings shake us at our core and can challenge our idea of what safety and belonging in this country mean. Here in Oakland, many of our community members have been affected by gun violence and continue to fight for their stories to be heard and valued. It’s important to acknowledge that gun violence does not affect all of us equally. Communities of color are disproportionately impacted and need greater investment, resources and attention in order to change this tragic reality.
As we think about what’s next and grieve the loss of these innocent lives, we have faith that we will get through this together. The work we do is deeply embedded in love, and we carry the strength within us to fight for change and liberation. We believe that seeking justice and accountability starts by listening to those most affected by the injustice and taking concrete steps to address this crisis on a systemic level.
Akonadi is committed to supporting our communities in healing and overcoming intergenerational trauma, reducing gun violence, and uplifting the vibrancy of the young people who are leading us into a radically better world.
We will create. We will salvage. We will pray. We will live.
In community,
Akonadi Foundation